Monday, April 13, 2009

here we go again

In class we are reading another book. This one is called The Handmaid’s Tale. I was not looking forward to it at all after reading such a long book in The Left Hand of Darkness. Fortunately, after reading the beginning of The Handmaid’s Tale, it was much easier to read and understand compared to The Left Hand of Darkness. I found myself somewhat interested, even though it was pretty confusing at first. Initially, after reading the back of the book and some attention-grabbing chapters, I wondered about how this society came about. As we were discussing some questions in groups in class today, I was told that there had been some sort of nuclear war in this story. However, I still do not know how the nuclear war even occurred. Also, after reading how the narrator, Offred, talks about her husband and child, I assumed that they were killed during the nuclear war and she now misses and reminiscences about them a whole lot. As for the part where handmaids have sex with the commander, it seems unreal that the women would allow that to happen to them. Although Offred mentioned that she had a choice in the matter and she chose to be with the commander, I don’t believe that was a good choice at all. Before Offred mentioned that was what she chose, it would have been nice to know what her other choices were.

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